Sigma Alpha Omega
Letter from the CCMs
Hi! We’re Samantha and Jenna, and we have the honor of serving Sigma Alpha Omega as the 2024 Co-Candidate Mentors! SAO quickly became a home of positive, God-fearing community for each of us after we joined! Because of the impact it has made on us, we are so excited to facilitate a home for the recruitment class of 2024!
Our job, as Co-Candidate Mentors, is to create a fun and welcoming environment for potential new members through recruitment week. Our vision is to grow in fellowship of believers to make Jesus’ name more broadly known on this campus. We also both understand the importance of community that loves you well and is in your corner not only during your time at UGA, but beyond these years. Sigma Alpha Omega has gifted us both with this community, so we are confident it can do that same for you!
We can’t wait to meet each of you when August rolls around, and we pray you consider how God can use you through this sisterhood. Keep an eye out for details concerning 2024 recruitment coming this summer!
Dove love to you all!
Samantha Chapman and Jenna Mjehovich
Co-Candidate Mentors
Sigma Alpha Omega || Mu Chapter